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Description/ Publisher Year  Price paid   Value   Mint in box Picture/ Link
Klingon 8" 1974  €          40  €          40 Yes
James T Kirk 8" 1974  €          40  €          40 Yes
Spock 8" 1974  €          40  €          40 Yes
Dr Mccoy 8" 1974  €          20  €          25 No, loose
Commander Ilia (US) 1979  €          25  €          25 Yes
Commander Ilia (German) 1979  €          17  €          20 Yes
Admiral Kirk (German) 1979  €          17  €          30 Yes
Commder Spock (German) 1979  €          17  €          30 Yes
Captain dekker (German) 1979  €          17  €          30 Yes
Dr. McCoy (German) 1979  €          17  €          30 Yes
Mr Scott (German) 1979  €          17  €          30 Yes
Arcturian (italian) 1979  €          25  €          30 Yes
Bridge for the 3 3/4"figures from Motion Picture 1979  €        100  €        120 Yes
Ilia (12 "figure) 1979  €          25  €          30 Yes
Captain Jean-Luc Picard 1988  €          20  €          40 Yes, 1 mint 1 lose
Commander William T Riker 1988  €          20  €          40 Yes, 1 mint 1 lose
Lt. Commander Data 1988  €          20  €          40 Yes, 1 mint 1 lose
Lt. Geordi LaForge 1988  €          20  €          40 Yes, 1 mint 1 lose
Lt. Tasha Yar 1988  €          20  €          40 Yes, 1 mint 1 lose
Lt. Worf 1988  €          20  €          40 Yes, 1 mint 1 lose
Ferengi Alien 1988  €          20  €          45 Yes
Antican Alien 1988  €          30  €          50 Yes, 1 mint 1 lose
Selay Alien 1988  €          30  €          50 Yes, 1 mint 1 lose
Q 1988  €          35  €          55 Yes
Star trek V, Spock figure 1989  €          30  €          30 No, mint with box
Star trek V, Sybok figure 1989  €          30  €          30 No, mint with box
Star trek V, McCoy figure 1989  €          30  €          30 No, mint with box
Star trek V, Kirk figure 1989  €          30  €          30 No, mint with box
Star trek V, Kaa (klingon) figure 1989  €          40  €          45 No, mint with box
Total Price Paid/ Value    €        772  €      1.085    


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